Family: Iridaceae

Common Name: George Davidson Crocosmia, Yellow Montbretia

DescriptionA yellow blooming Crocosmia
Plant TypeAll Plants, Bulbs, corms, tubers, rhizoms, etc.
Hardiness Zone(6)7
Sunlightfull, part shade
Moistureaverage, moist
Soil & Siteaverage, moist, well drained
Temperaturewinter hardiness -10 to 0 degrees F
Flowersorange yellow flowers, 8-10 per 3-4 feet branch, one of the earlier blooming
Leavesleaves and stem rather flat, coarse
Stemscorms are persistent and may form chains
Dimensions2-3 feet
Maintenancecorms can be dug and stored like glads, don't let them dry out, plant corms 3-4 inches deep
Propagationdivision of corms
Cultivar OriginBreed and named after George Davidison head gardener at Westwick Hall in Norfolk, UK. Date was pre-1901.
Notes & Reference#129-Crocosmia and Chasmanthe (Peter Goldbatt, John Manning, Gary Dunlop), San Marcos Growers
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