Family: Bromeliaceae
Common Name: Neoregelia cultivars
Description | This section contains images of different Neoregelia cultivars. |
Pronunciation | (nee-o-ree-jeel’-ya) |
Plant Type | All Plants, Indoor Foliage |
Hardiness Zone | 10-11 |
Sunlight | bright, full |
Moisture | keep the tank full of water |
Growing Media | epiphytic mix, use a low nitrogen fertilizer |
Temperature | average house to average house plus |
Flowers | flowers (inflorescences) forms in a shallow depression in the center of the plants rosette |
Leaves | forms a rosette of stiff leaves, have teeth |
Dimensions | depends on cultivar |
Maintenance | removal of dead leaves |
Propagation | division |
Misc Facts | The genus was named for Edward von Regel, a botanist who was the superintendent of the botanical garden in Saint Petersburg Russia. |
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