The temperature will determine the shift of this flower from creamy yellow to red.
Plant Type
All Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone
average, tolerates drier conditions once established
Soil & Site
average, avoid wet soil especially in the winter
start creamy yellow with red center, shift to varying degrees of reds, temperature determines flower color shift, many different colored flowers on the same plant, in my garden blooms August through September, into October
thin, thread-like leaves are palmately divided
30 plus inches tall, spreads 24 inches, clump forming, can have a floppy habit
can be sheared back to promote a new flush of cleaner foliage, although time consuming, dead heading will improve flowering
U.S. Plant Patent Applied For (PPAF)
Cultivar Origin
Introduced by Darrell Probst, part of his Big Bang series of Coreopsis.
Author's Notes
During the summer 2012 we were in a bad drought along with very hot temperatures. This year the flowers never shifted to red. During this time I only gave the plants survival water and they were smaller than normal but still produced lots of flowers. Try saying "Red Shift" fast 10 times in a row. Still alive in my garden (2011-2015)