A verticillata type Coreopsis. Flowers have a red eye and red pigment bleeds irregularly into the rest of the flower.
Plant Type
All Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone
average, tolerates drier conditions once established
Soil & Site
average to well drained, can rot in poorly drained soils, especially in the winter
yellow, daisy-like, red eye, red pigment bleeds irregularly into the rest of the flower from the eye out, blooms for me end of June through August or longer
green, 3 part, thread-like sections
24 plus inches tall
can be sheared back to promote a new flush of cleaner foliage, although time consuming dead heading will improve flowering, does get some mildew on the leaves late in the year
U.S. Plant Patent Applied For (PPAF), division
Cultivar Origin
Originated in 2005 in a garden at Bauer's Forever Flowers, in Lucinda, Pennsylvania USA.
Misc Facts
Coreopsis is derived from Greek corio-(bug)and -opsis (likeness) components with reference to the appearance of the seed.(www.plantlives.com) (syn Calliopsis tinctoria)
Author's Notes
The irregularity of the red pigment pattern in the flowers gives an unusual design that to some is rather gaudy. I have this plant in my garden for 5 years (2015). It made it through the summer drought of 2012 with only survival water.