Description | Allium Hair (Allium sphaerocephalon) Instead of having the traditional globular flower head, this Alliums flower is having a bad hair day. Flowers reminiscent of Methuselah’s beard. Can be an aggressive reseeder. |
Plant Type | Bulbs, corms, tubers, rhizoms, etc., Site author's observations |
Hardiness Zone | 4-8 |
Sunlight | full |
Moisture | average |
Soil & Site | average |
Flowers | red center with green like tentacles protruding in all directions |
Leaves | thin stocks, grows from a bulb |
Stems | bulb |
Dimensions | up to around 16 inches |
Maintenance | will reseed, plant bulbs 3-4 inches deep, plant small bullets from the flower area |
Propagation | seeds, division of bulbs |
Cultivar Origin | Hair is a mutation of the more common and popular Drumstick Allium. |
Author's Notes | I have this in my garden. An interesting plant with it's "bad hair day" flowers. It quickly reseeds about the garden. |