Family: Hydrangeaceae

Scientific Name: Hydrangea macrophylla For Ever and Ever

Common Name: Hydrangea Forever and Ever series

DescriptionA series of 7 Hydrangea with a wide range of flower colors and flower heads.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Shrubs Deciduous
Hardiness Zone(4)5-8
Sunlightprefers morning sun and afternoon shade
Moisturemoderate to high water needs
Soil & Siteprefers well drained, organic soils, avoid poor drained clay soils
Flowersflowers come in white, pink, double pink, blue, red, peppermint etc., flower shapes are mopheads, lace cap, flat bloom clusters, produces flower buds on new wood
Leaveslarge dark green leaves
Dimensions24-48 inches depending on the cultivar, mounded form
Cultivar OriginThe series was created by many different breeders.
Misc FactsZelenka Nursery from Grandhaven, Michigan (USA) describes these as of "superior performance in northern climate area".
Notes & Reference(www.forever and
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