A medium growing Hydrangea with blue flowers if given the proper soil acidity.
Plant Type
All Plants, Shrubs Deciduous
Hardiness Zone
shade, part shade
preferrs moist, tolerates average, in draught the leaves will be "flagging like wilted lettuce" (#85)
Soil & Site
average, humusy, acidic to get blue color
lacecap type, white-pink-blue depending on soil acidity
simple, serrated green leaves, turn reddish color in fall
3-4 feet, compact rounded
Cultivar Origin
This Woodlanders introduction was grown from seed obtained from Chollipo Arboretum in Korea by Woodlanders Nursery of Aiken, South Carolina USA.
Author's Notes
On impulse I bought this shrub without doing research just depending on the label info. Planted in late summer 2010, will be fun to see how it grows. Of course I will give it beneficial amounts of acid fertilizer in quest of the illusive blue. Since the above report the plant is winter hardy for me. My plant is away from a water source so I will bucked in water during dry spells. Flowered but no where near what it is reported to do.
Notes & Reference
#85-Hydrangeas for American Gardens (Michael Dirr), #135-Hydrangeas "A Gardner's Guide"(Tonis Lawson Hall, Brian Rothera)