Family: Lamiaceae

Scientific Name: Salvia nemorosa Wesuwe

Common Name: Salvia Weuwe, Balkan Clarey

DescriptionA hardy perennial Salvia with spikes of purple flowers.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone5
Moistureaverage, tolerates dry
Soil & Siteneeds average to well drained soils, will rot in winter wet soils
Flowerstubular two-lipped flowers borne in whorls, end of May into early June.
Leavespaired, simple green leaves
Dimensionsclumping, upright
MaintenanceAfter blooming cut back to a few inches off the ground. They will respond with a new flush of foliage and a lesser but a second bloom. Divide off clumps to renew the vigor of the plant.
Propagationdivision, stem cuttings
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