Family: Apiaceae

Common Name: Sapphire Blue Sea Holly

DescriptionOne of best Sea Holly with large steely-blue flowers.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone4-8
Moistureaverage, dry, never wet
Soil & Siteaverage, well drained, does good in poor soil
Flowersglobular steel blue flower heads, 9-15 involucral of bracts, bracts create a collar under the flower, flowers start out green than change to blue, can be used as a dry flower
Leavesleaves are alternate, stems leaves are sessile and deeply dissected, leaves silver
Dimensions18-24 inches tall, space 18-24 inches
Native SiteSpecies plant native to the European mountainous regions and the Balkan peninsula.
Cultivar OriginThe breeder was Wouter Ruigrok of Hillegom, Holland, first distributed by Blooms of Bressingham.
Notes & Reference#144-Missouri Botanical Gardens (Kemper Center for Home Gardening)
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