Family: Ranunculaceae
Scientific Name: Anemone nemerosa
Common Name: Wood Anemone cultivar
Description | A good perennial for the bright to dappled shade area of the garden. |
Pronunciation | (a-NEM-o-nee)(nem-o-RO-sa) |
Plant Type | All Plants, Perennials Hardy |
Hardiness Zone | (3)4 |
Sunlight | bright shade |
Moisture | average, moist |
Soil & Site | humusy, slightly acid preferred |
Flowers | native color is white, blue and pink clones available, consists of 5-8 sepals (often described as tepals), has little to no sent, lacks nectar |
Leaves | 3 times divided, deeply toothed linear segments, creeps slowly by rhizomes |
Dimensions | 6-8" tall, spread 12 plus inches, spreads to form a carpet |
Propagation | division |
Native Site | Native Europe to Siberia. |
Misc Facts | The root, leaves, juice have at times been used for medicinal purposes. |
Author's Notes | A did a quick search and one nursery listed 10 different cultivars of this plant. |
Notes & Reference | #4-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage), #36-Encyclopedia of Perennials (Christopher Woods) |
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