Description | Mexican Hat (ratibida columnifera forma pulcherrima) this is the reddish form of the Mexican Hat Plant. A native plant with a large terminal cone of disk flowers. |
Pronunciation | (ruh-TIB-ih-duh) (kol-um-NEE-fer-uh) |
Plant Type | Perennials Hardy, Wild Flowers |
Hardiness Zone | 4-9 |
Sunlight | full |
Moisture | average, tolerates dry ones established |
Soil & Site | average, adaptable, naturally found growing in prairies, waste ground, disturbed sites, roadsides, railroads, intolerant of moist heavy clays |
Flowers | yellow flowers reflex at the base of the central cone, floral inflorescence borne singly on the terminal tip of a branch |
Leaves | green, alternate, simple leaves, deeply pinnatifid giving a ferny look |
Dimensions | 1-3 by 1-1.5 feet (HS) |
Propagation | seeds, may need a cold dry stratification for better germination. I have grown this twice from seed with only moderate success. Next time I will try stratification. Usually blooms second year from seeds. |
Native Site | Alberta to Minnesota south to Arkansas, New Mexico and Mexico. |
Misc Facts | The name "columnifera" means column producing. The flower has an upright columnar receptical(central cone). (syn. Ratibida columnaris, Rudbeckia columnifera), AKA: Upright Prairie Coneflower, Long-headed Coneflower, Thimble flower |
Notes & Reference | #04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage), |