Description | Roof Iris (Iris tectorum) is a small crested Iris with lilac flowers. Prefers moist garden sites. |
Pronunciation | (EYE-ris)(tek-TOR-um) |
Plant Type | Perennials Hardy, Bulbs, corms, tubers, rhizoms, etc., Wild Flowers |
Hardiness Zone | 4-9 |
Sunlight | best in full sun, tolerate some shade |
Moisture | average, moist |
Soil & Site | organic, average, moist |
Flowers | 6 inch flowers, lilac mottled with dark blue blotches, flowering stem will hold two flowers, has a raised crest along the center line of each fall |
Fruit | capsule |
Leaves | can be evergreen, 3-4 inches wide, can be floppy, |
Stems | spreads by rhizomes |
Dimensions | 12-18 inches tall, by equal spread |
Maintenance | a heavy feeder, will need to be fertilized |
Propagation | division after flowering, may not come true from seeds |
Native Site | southeastern Asia |
Misc Facts | Name comes from the fact it was grown at the edge or peak of Japanese roofs. |
Notes & Reference | #4-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage), #79-Perennials For Every Purpose (Larry Hodgson), #88-The Iris Book (Molly Price) |