Family: Solanaceae

Common Name: Raspberry Blast Petunia

DescriptionA Supertunia type Petunia with pink flowers edged in a dark cerise.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Annuals
Hardiness Zone9-10
Moistureaverage, may need additional moisture since they will quickly become root bound, has some drought tolerance once established
TemperatureAcclimated plants are very tolerant of cooler to cold temperatures. In zone #5 they do best in the early spring to early summer (May-June), have a tendency to slow down in the hot drier months and than come on strong in the cool fall (mid-September-October). With a little protection I have had Petunia's in bloom on Turkey Day. Hardened Petunias can be plant in early May (zone #5)
Flowersforms a funnel shaped corolla tube that flares into a broad lip, sits in a calyx consisting of five sepals, pink with a cerise (rose pink) edge
Leavesalternate and covered with a viscid pubescence, making them sticky when pinched.
Dimensions6-10 inches tall can trail up to 40 inches
MaintenanceContainer plants need to be pruned to keep the plants compact. Deadheading will promote longer bloom time in both bedded and container grown plants. Plants in the garden may need cutting back in the hotter times of the year.
Propagationseeds, cuttings
Cultivar OriginProven Winners
Author's NotesI have used this plant many times in my containers and gardens. It has never failed for hardiness and a great blast of color.
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