Family: Liliaceae

Scientific Name: Lilium Oriental Stargazer

Common Name: Stargazer Oriental Lily

DescriptionA popular oriental lily with up facing flowers of pink, red and white.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy, Bulbs, corms, tubers, rhizoms, etc.
Hardiness Zone4(5)-9
Sunlightfull sun, mostly sunny
Soil & Siteaverage, well drained, not soggy
Flowerssatiny up facing, tepals are red, edged in pink and spotted with darker red, fragrant, heavy orange anthers, can have 4-12 flowers per stem
Leaveslance-shaped leaves, alternate up the stem
Dimensions3-4 feet or taller
Maintenancedead head as soon as the flower fades, may need to be staked, best to move and divide in the late summer or fall when the plant is dormant
Propagationdivision of the bulbs
Cultivar OriginCreated in 1974 by Leslie Woodriff, of California (USA)
Misc FactsStargazer lily was created in 1978 by Leslie Woodriff, a lily breeder in California.
Author's NotesI have used Oriental Lilies and have found that Deer love to eat the flowers off the plant!!!!
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