A cultivar of the pink flowering Clethras with rich rose colored flowers.
Plant Type
All Plants, Shrubs Deciduous
Hardiness Zone
full sun, partial shade
average, moist, found growing in wet areas
Soil & Site
average, moist
small (1/3 inch)rich rose, borne on 3-4 inch upright racemes or panicles, bottle brush-like appearance
leafs out late in the spring, simple, green turning to shades of yellow in the fall
4-6 tall by almost as wide
Native Site
Species native to the eastern United States most commonly founded in moist woodlands, especially near water
Cultivar Origin
Discovered in 1992 as a branch sport by Andy Brand at Broken Arrow Nursery in Hamden, Connecticut (USA).
Author's Notes
I have this in my garden and its production of flowers has been less than what I expected. But it is growing in an average moisture spot, maybe some additional water will help.
Notes & Reference
#01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr)