Description | A Blue Fescue cultivar with better foliage color and growth form. Can be short lived but division will rejuvenate the clump. |
Pronunciation | (fes-TOO-kah)(sin-er-EE-ah) |
Plant Type | All Plants, Grass Ornamental |
Hardiness Zone | 5 |
Sunlight | full sun for best color |
Moisture | average to moist, tolerates drought |
Soil & Site | moist, well drained, tolerates drought, rots in poorly drained soils |
Temperature | color of the foliage intensifies with the cooler weather |
Leaves | clumps of fine textured leaves, shades of blue foliage, semi-evergreen in zone #5 |
Dimensions | 10-12" by 10-12" |
Maintenance | cut off all seed heads, the seeds will germinated and seedlings probably will not be true to the cultivar, cut back in the spring or fall |
Propagation | easy by division of the clumps into small plants |
Misc Facts | Syn: Festuca ovina Elijah Blue and Festuca ovina var. glauca Elijah Blue |