Family: Euphorbiaceae

Scientific Name: Euphorbia x martini 'Inneuphhel'

Common Name: Helena Blush Euphorbia

DescriptionHelena has gray green leaves with a white cream variegated.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone6(5)-9
Moistureaverage, drought tolerant
Soil & Siteaverage, must be well drained, especially in the winter
Flowerschartreuse flowers in the spring
Leaveslinear gray green leaves leaves almost whorl around the stem, white cream variegation
Stemsbleed a white sap when cut, typical for the Euphorbiaceae family.
Dimensions16-18 inches
MaintenanceIt is suggested by the introducer to pinch the plant in the early spring
PropagationU.S. Plant Patent PP15,446
Cultivar OriginIt was discovered and selected from a controlled population of 'Efanthia' plants in Gensingen, Germany in May of 2000. Parents of 'Helena' are Euphorbia milii (male) and Euphorbia lophogona (female).
Misc FactsGenus name honors Greek physician Euphorbus of the first century A. D.
Notes & Reference#144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (
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