Family: Ericaceae

Scientific Name: Rhododendron roseum Elegans

Common Name: Rhododendron Elegans, English Rhododendron


Rhododendron Elegans (Rhododendron roseum Elegans) is an old proven hardy Rhododendron cultivar.

Plant TypeBroadleaf evergreen
Hardiness Zone(4)5-8
Sunlightmorning sun at most, afternoon shade, part sun
Moistureaverage to moist, doesn't like drought
Soil & Sitewell drained, acidic ph, humus
Temperaturetolerate of heat or cold, hardy to -25 F
FlowersFlowers form bell shaped trusses, lavender, white, red to pink
LeavesThe leaves are large, elliptic olive-green evergreen. They are leathery, which is called coriaceous.
DimensionsAn old specimen I have watched grow for many years in zone #5 is roughly 4 by 4 feet. Can reach much larger in the warmer end of it's hardiness zone.
MaintenanceI like to dig a large hole, not too deep, and mix the soil with 50% peat moss, compost, or other organic material. Plant in a slight mound for good drainage. Add a cup or two of Ammonia sulfate (or any other acid-producing fertilizer) and some regular fertilizer. Water in good and keep moist. Mulch will help to slow down the loss of water. I like to add acid fertilizer in the fall and spring. Also, you can use a liquid acid fertilizer such as Mir-acid. Any pruning should be done right after flowering.
Cultivar OriginA catawbiense hybrid Rhododendron by A. Waterer.
Notes & Reference#144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (, American Rhododendron Society
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