Description | Neon Devils Ivy (Epipremnum aureum) is a bright yellow form of the Devils Ivy. |
Plant Type | Indoor Foliage, Perennial Tender, Site author's observations, Tropical herbaceous Vines |
Hardiness Zone | 10-11 |
Sunlight | bright, will burn in directlight, may need some moving to find the correct light for the best color |
Moisture | average |
Soil & Site | average |
Flowers | probably will never flower unless it is an old plant growing in optimum conditions |
Leaves | heart shaped yellow to chartreuse leaves |
Stems | creeping, procumbent |
Dimensions | at least 4 feet long |
Maintenance | cut back for shape, remove any leaves reverting back to green |
Propagation | cuttings |
Author's Notes | I have grown this plant for many years and the hardest part is to find the proper light for the best foliage color. The first plant I bought was so yellow I though it was an extremely chlorotic Devils Ivy. |