Family: Rosaceae

Scientific Name: Potentilla fruiticosa Abbotswood

Common Name: Abbotswood Potentilla


Abbotswood Potentilla (Potentilla fruticosa) is an improved white flowering Potentilla.

Plant TypeShrubs Deciduous, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone3-7
Sunlightfull, will tolerate some shade, but flower production may be reduced
Moistureaverage, tolerates moist (not wet) areas, will show stress in draught conditions and benefits from some additional water at these times
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowerswhite, single
Leavesdark bluish green leaves
Dimensions2 by 3-4 feet (HS)
MaintenanceAll Potentilla plants should be pruned back yearly or every other year, ideally following a three-year cycle. If they aren’t pruned, they can become scraggly, develop many old, gnarly stems, and experience a decrease in flower production. There are three methods for pruning these plants: **Method #1:** Using hedge shears to trim the plant into an oddly shaped geometric figure. This method is the least desirable, as it does little to benefit the plant and has minimal impact on increasing flower production. **Method #2:** Cutting the shrub close to the ground, leaving about 3-6 inches of stem. Although this may seem harsh, a healthy shrub will quickly regrow. This is a straightforward and effective method. **Method #3:** Removing the old, gnarly stems as close to the ground as possible, using pruning shears. This method involves cutting the shrub back by about one-third to one-half while shaping it to resemble its natural form. The earlier this is done in the spring, the sooner the plant will bloom.
Propagationsoftwood cuttings
Misc FactsAKA: Shrubby Cinquefoil
Author's NotesI have used many dozens of this Potentilla in my landscape jobs over the past 25 years. It has proven to be tough and a very reliable prolific bloomer.
Notes & Reference#01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr), #274-Site Authors' observations and growing experiences of different Potentilla
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