Family: Urticaceae

Scientific Name: Pilea microphylla

Common Name: Artillery Plant

DescriptionA relatively easy to plant to grow in the bright to moderate lit places in the house. When in its artillery mode, a small dusty mess will be created by the discharged pollen.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Indoor Foliage
Hardiness Zone10-11
Sunlightbright, moderate
MoistureAlthough it will tolerate some dryness, it prefers to be kept evenly moist.
Soil & Siteaverage
Growing Mediaaverage house
Temperatureaverage house-warm
FlowersThe flowers are very small and not ornamental. The name "Artillery Plant" comes from the fact that when the flowers are full of pollen and are touched, they will emit a cloud of pollen dust.
LeavesSucculent stems with small oblong leaves.
DimensionsA small upright plant. I have never had to grow this plant in a pot bigger than 6 inches. Makes a great dish garden or terrarium plant.
MaintenancePrune the stems to maintain shape.
PropagationEasy to root from either terminal tip cuttings or cuttings taken down the stem.
Native SiteWest Indies
Notes & Reference#02-Exotic Plant Manual (Alfred Byrd Graf), #158-Plantepedia (Maggie Stuckey)
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