Family: Araceae

Scientific Name: Epipremnum aureum Marble Queen

Common Name: Marble Queen Devil's Ivy


Marble Queen Devil's Ivy (Epipremnum aureum) is a cultivar of the more common "Devil's Ivy". Marble Queen has white variegation in the leaves. Devil's Ivy has yellow variegation in the leaves.

Plant TypeIndoor Foliage, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone10-11
SunlightThe amount of light is the key factor to the coloration of the foliage. The less light, the greener the plant. Move it around to find the best spot. Prefers bright-moderate, tolerates low, never direct.
MoistureKeep it evenly moist to approach dryness. Prefers average house plus humidity, but very tolerant of most any indoor humidity levels.
Growing Mediaaverage house
Temperatureaverage house-average house plus
Flowersspikes of tiny yellow spathes, seldom seen in cultivation
Leavessimple, alternate, heart-shaped, glossy green with patches of irregular white variegation, in proper light conditions the leaves can become 90% or better white
Stemsprocumbent, creeping or climbing
DimensionsThe plant that is grown in the house is a juvenile form of the one growing in the wild. The leaves in the wild will get very large, up to a foot. In the house they will reach 2-4". It is usually grown as a vine reaching at least 3 feet.
Maintenancewith time the plant may develop bare legs and need cutting back. This will promote new, branched growth.
Propagationtip cuttings, mallet cuttings, layering
Native SiteSpecies plant native to the Solomon Islands.
Misc FactsFrom the Greek words epi meaning upon and premnon meaning trunk. In it's natural habitat it grows on the trunks of trees.
Author's NotesThis is a stunning plant when grown properly. It can have so much white variegation, you wonder where the green chlorophyll is hidden. The stems root easily, but are not quick to root into the pot.
Notes & Reference#18-House Plant Encyclopedia (Nico Vermeulen) , #158-Plantepedia (Maggie Stuckey)
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