Description | Golden Catalpa (Catalpa bignonoides aurea) is a cultivar of the southern Catalpa with heart-shaped golden-yellow leaves in the spring changing to light yellow-green in summer. |
Pronunciation | (ka-TAL-pa)(big-no-ni-OY-deez) |
Plant Type | Trees Deciduous |
Hardiness Zone | 5-9 |
Sunlight | full, mostly sunny |
Moisture | aveage |
Soil & Site | average, avoid dry sites |
Flowers | trumpet-shaped white flowers born in a panicle, purple spots in the center of the throat, yellow stripes |
Fruit | long, hanging, bean-like seed pods |
Leaves | large heart-shaped leaves, emerging yellow becoming yellow-green in the summer, opens with a purple blush |
Dimensions | 30 by 20 feet (HS), smaller than species |
Cultivar Origin | Originated in 1870 in England, named in 1894. In North American commerce since around 1888. |
Notes & Reference | #270-Gardenia ( |