Family: Polemoniaceae

Scientific Name: Phlox pilosa

Common Name: Prairie Phlox, Downy Phlox

DescriptionA spring blooming native Phlox.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone4-8
Sunlightfull, tolerates some shade
MoistureI have seen it listed as moist to on the dry side.
Soil & Sitefound groweing in dry; prairies, woods, inland sands
Flowers1/2 inch flowers, 5 petals in white, pink or lavender, flowers occur in a terminal cluster
Leavesopposite paired leaves, downy, linear to narrowly lanceolate, sessile, up to 3½" long and ½" across, sparsely distributed along the stem, leaves tend to drop when the plant is stressed
Rootstap root
Dimensionsup to 2 feet tall
Misc FactsReceived at 3.5 out of 5 rating by the Mt Cuba Phlox trials. It tended to flop during flowering.
Notes & Reference#205-Phlox A Natural History and Gardener's Guide (James H. Locklear), #218-Flora of Wisconsin (, #238-Mt Cuba Center (
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