A variegated form of the more common "Rubber Tree".
Plant Type
All Plants, Indoor Foliage
Hardiness Zone
In its native region it is found growing in full sun to deep shade. This gives it the ability to tolerate most light conditions if acclimated to the site. Prefers bright ligh
In its native region Benjamin Fig is subjected to dry seasons and moist seasons. During the dry seasons it will drop its leaves to decrease the leaf surface area lowering the transpiration rate. To avoid this seasonal leaf drop keep it evenly moist.
average house to warm
fig-like, botanically called a syconium
green with white variefation
This plant can be kept in a small pot or grown as an indoor tree. Very common as the large indoor trees in malls. Will reach over 100 feet in native sites
Author's Notes
At the school where I teach we cut the plants back 33-50% every spring and let them regrow in the greenhouse over the summer. Otherwise the plants would become too large. Plants growing in the home, I would do major pruning in the spring when the plants start to grow. They do not mind spending the summer outside in some semi-shaded spot.