Description | Snow in Summer (Cerastium tomentosa) is a low growing ground cover with grayish foliage. Good for hot dry full sun. |
Pronunciation | (se-RAS-ti-um)(toe-men-TOE-sum) |
Plant Type | Perennials Hardy, Site author's observations |
Hardiness Zone | 3-7 |
Sunlight | full |
Moisture | average to dry, never moist, doesn't like high humidity |
Soil & Site | well drained, doesn't require fertile soil |
Flowers | 12-15 groups of one inch white flowers in cymes |
Leaves | white woolly, tomentose leaves |
Dimensions | forms a mat 3-6 inches tall, space 12-18 inches on center |
Maintenance | I have found that this plant needs to be cut back to the top of the foliage mat after flowering. This promotes a thick mat of foliage. |
Propagation | easy from seed, division |
Native Site | Native to Italy. |
Misc Facts | Cerastium is derived from the Greek word keras meaning horn. This refers to the shape of the fruit. Tomentosa means woolly referring to the foliage. |
Author's Notes | I have used this in areas where is was allowed to grow in and out of rock crevices and drape over rocks. |
Notes & Reference | #40-Herbaceous Ornamental Plants (Steven Stills) |