Family: Hydrangeaceae

Scientific Name: Hydrangea paniculata Unique

Common Name: Hydrangea Unique


Unique Hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata) An improved Panicle hydrangea type with white flowers in the late summer early fall.

Plant TypeShrubs Deciduous, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone5
Sunlightfull sun, part sun
Moistureprefers moist, average, shrubs in my yard grow fine with the normal rain fall
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowersconical white inflorescence, late summer
Leavesgreen, can have nice fall color
Dimensions6-10 by 6-10, or larger, shrubs in my yard are easily 8 by 8 with a little pruning
MaintenanceThe blooms are formed on the new wood. Pruning in the fall or early spring will produce lots of new wood. At this time you can control the height, spread and shape of the plant, by the amount that is pruned. I like to use a pruning shears not hedge shears. With pruning shears I can better control the shape and the cuts are more precise. Thinning can help reduce some of the weight off the branches. The flowers can become very heavy, especially after a rain. Can be pruned back hard.
Cultivar OriginJelena de Belder in 1968, Belgium
Author's NotesOver the years this has been one of my go to Hydrangea. It is hardy (zone #5) and is a prolific bloomer.
Notes & Reference#85-Hydrangeas for American Gardens (Michael Dirr)
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