Family: Magnoliaceae

Scientific Name: Magnolia virginica

Common Name: Sweet Bay Magnolia, Swamp Bay Magnolia

DescriptionA small Magnolia with scented white flowers.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Trees Deciduous
Hardiness Zone5-9
Moistureprefers moist wet soils wet acidic soils
Soil & Siteaverage to moist, acidic
TemperatureZone #5 is probably on the northern fringes of its hardness range. Can survive to -20-25 degrees F
Flowersfragrant white solitary flowers, (sometimes up to 12) tepals, flowers June trough August depending on the region
Fruitfruiting cones (follicles) red with dark red seeds,
Leaves5 inch oblong to elliptical leaves, glossy green
Dimensionsmuch smaller in the northern regions 10-12, reaching tree size in southern area
Native SiteNative to the Piedmont regions of North America
Notes & Reference#01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr), #86-Magnolia A Gardener’s Guide (Gardiner)
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