A tall plant with dark pink to red flowers on a large inflorescence.
Plant Type
All Plants, Biennials
Hardiness Zone
average, low water needs
Soil & Site
well drained
tolerates occasional temperatures down to 25 degrees F, may die from successive low temperatures
3 foot or larger spike flower loaded with red to deep rose colored, in a scorpioid cyme ( cyme with flowers or branches alternating in opposite ranks)
forms a rosette of narrow silver gray leaves
4-6 feet tall by 1-2 spread
two years from seed to produce a flowering plant, reported to be easy to germinate
Native Site
Endemic to the island of Tenerife part of the Canary Islands.
Misc Facts
The winner of the 2002 Award of Garden Merit by the Royal Horticultural Society.
Author's Notes
It would be a bit of a challenge to grow "The Tower of Jewel" true to form in hardiness zone #5. Being a biennial it would take two years and it is a large plant. May well be worth the effort to add a very exotic element to the garden. They were impressive plants at the Chicago Botanic Garden.
Notes & Reference
#156-San Marcos Growers web site (www.smgrowers.com)