Family: Geraniaceae

Common Name: Geranium Rozanne

DescriptionRozanne is a strong blooming hardy Geranium with violet blue flowers. Picked as the Perennial Plant of the Year for 2008. One of my favorites
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone5-8
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny, best with at least 3-4 hours of full sun, prefers some shade in hotter sites
Moistureaverage, likes a little extra moisture
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowers2 1/4 inch. saucer shaped, iridescent violet blue with purple violet veins and small white centers.
Fruitdistinctive beaked seed capsules, hence the common name of crane’s bill (geranium in Greek means crane
Dimensions30-24 inches tall by 24-28 spread, plant will sprawl
Maintenanceoccasional pruning to remove older flowering stems, induces fresh growth and more flowers
Cultivar OriginDiscovered by Donald and Rozanne Waterer in their garden, Somerset England (1989)
Author's NotesI grow Rozanne where it gets about 1/2 day of full sun (east). Being next to the patio it gets extra water as the potted patio plants are watered. It will bloom from May threw October for me. This is the fastest selling Geranium at the garden center I work at.
Notes & ReferencePerennial Plant Association's web site
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