Family: Liliaceae

Scientific Name: Dracaena marginata

Common Name: Red Edge Draceana, Dracaena marginata

DescriptionA very popular, somewhat easy to grow plant for the moderate to bright areas. Can become rather large with age.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Indoor Foliage
Hardiness Zone10-11
SunlightPrefers bright to moderate conditions, but will tolerate lower, avoid direct.
Moistureapproach dryness
Growing Mediaaverage house
Temperatureaverage house, average house plus
LeavesThe rosette of leaves is found on the top of this apical dominant plant. They are long, linear with a red edge.
DimensionsI have seen plants up to 8 feet tall. Reported in sources to get larger.
MaintenanceIf the plant gets tall and out of shape it will respond to being cut back almost any where along the stem. This plant is very apical dominant, meaning it produces one major top. When it is cut back it will respond with multiple branches.
PropagationThe major ways are tip cuttings, cane (stem section cuttings) cuttings or air layering. Sections of the stem can be cut into 4-6" pieces and either stuck vertically or laid on the growing media horizontally and they will root.
Native SiteNative to Madagascar
Cultivar OriginHas been in cultivation since the Victorian era.
Author's NotesThis plant is sold in a few different ways. Many times small plants are sold as "leafy rosettes". A tip cutting is rooted in a small pot. As the plant matures it will developed its palm-like form. Many times it is sold as a single, "bare legged" plant. Some times 3 or more cuttings of various heights are put in the same pot to create a layered effect
Notes & Reference#02-Exotic Plant Manual (Alfred Byrd Graf), #18-House Plant Encyclopedia (Nico Vermeulen)
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