Family: Amaranthaceae

Scientific Name: Gomphrena globosa Strawberry Fields

Common Name: Globe Amaranth Strawberry fields

DescriptionA tough plant with clover-like strawberry colored flowers. Flowers are excellent for cutting and easily dried
Plant TypeAll Plants, Annuals
Moistureaverage, in the ground tolerates dry conditions once established
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowersglobose inflorescence made up of dozens of smaller tubular flowers, papery crisp and are easily dried, strawberry color
Leavesgreen, oblong to elliptical
Dimensions2 feet tall by 10 inches spread
Propagationstart seeds indoors or directly in the garden (in situ), soaking seeds over night will improve germination, if possible buy cleaned seeds since raw seeds will be in a lint-like mass.
Native SiteNative to Central America
Misc FactsThe genus name "Gomphrena" is derived from the Latin word "gromphaena" meaning a type of Amaranth.
Notes & Reference#40-Herbaceous Ornamental Plants, #51-Armitages Manual of Annuals, Biennials and Half-Hardy Perennials, #76-Annuals for Every Purpose)
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