Family: Lamiaceae

Scientific Name: Salvia viridis Marble Arch Rose

Common Name: Salvia Marble Arch Rose


Salvia Marble Arch (Salvia viridis) is grown more for the colorful rose/mauve bracts rather than the small flowers.

Plant TypeAll Plants, Annuals
Sunlightfull to part sun
Moistureaverage to dry, dislikes extreme humidity
Soil & Sitewell drained
Temperaturedoes not tolerate extreme temperature
Flowerstiny two lipped flowers hidden beneath the bracts
Leavesgrown for the colorful bracts
Dimensions24 inches tall
Propagationseeds, can be planted in situ
Native SiteSpecies plant native to southern Europe and north Africa
Misc FactsViridis is from the Greek and means green. (syn. S. horminum)
Notes & Reference51-Armitage's Manual of Annuals, Biennials, and Half-Hardy Perennials (Alan Arimitage), #87-The New Book of Salvos (Betsy Clebsch), #147-The Gardeners Guide to growing Salvias (John Sutton)
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