An aggressive deciduous trailing ground cover. Use with care it can become a garden thug matting over other plants.
Plant Type
All Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone
prefers partial to shaded sites, will take full sun with constant moisture, in full sun the silver leaf marking may not be as prevalent
Soil & Site
holds onto it's foliage until heavy frosts or frozen
bright yellow, in clusters on an erect leafy stalk
deciduous, trailing, vine-like, simple green leaves with silver blotches, stems root as they spread
12 inches tall, spread is unlimited since it roots at the nodes
requires little care besides ripping it out by the wheel barrow full when it invades the garden, since it roots at almost every node make sure these rooted areas are pulled
division, cuttings
Native Site
Native to woodlands from western Europe to Iran.
Misc Facts
I have seen this used in hanging baskets.
Author's Notes
At one garden were I have been the gardener for over 25 years this plant is everywhere, which is a good and a bad thing. Every year I rip this plant out by the garbage can full, which is a pain, but it covers every nook and cranny in the garden. Many of these areas I would not try to plant, but Yellow Archangel just fills it in.
Notes & Reference
#149-Perennial Ground Covers for Easier Gardening (Daniel J. Foley),
#68-Groundcovers for the Midwest (Voight, Hamilton,Giles)