Description | Prince Kay Plum (Prunus nigra) is a small to medium-sized flowering tree with an oval-shaped crown. The flowers are bright white, with double blossoms and smooth, dark brown bark. It has a red fall color. |
Pronunciation | (PRU-nus)(n-EYE-gra) |
Plant Type | Trees Deciduous |
Hardiness Zone | 3-5 |
Sunlight | full |
Moisture | average |
Soil & Site | average |
Temperature | The leaves are just starting to appear, signaling the end of the blooming season. Plants that flowers appear before the leaves are called precocious. |
Flowers | Double white in early May, before the emergence of the leaves (precocious) |
Fruit | few red fruit |
Leaves | dark red bark |
Dimensions | 10-15 feet tall |
Cultivar Origin | Found in the wild by Catherine Kay Nylund in Itasca County Minnesota (USA)in 1974. Introduced by the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum (1986). |
Author's Notes | The flowers on this Cherry are found bunched tightly together. |
Notes & Reference | #01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr) |