Family: Cyperaceae

Scientific Name: Carex comans Amazon Mist

Common Name: Carex Amazon Mist


Amazon Mist Carex (Carex comans) forms an arching tussock with two-tone foliage.

Plant TypeGrass Ornamental, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone7
Sunlightfull to 1/2 day sun
Moistureaverage to moist, can tolerate some dryness once established
Soil & Siteaverage to moist, well drained
Leaveslinear, grass-like pale green leaves with a darker green on the underside, twisted tips
Dimensionsforms a tussock with a floppy growth habit, 10-12 inches
Propagationseeds, division
Native SiteThe species plant Carex comans (Bronze New Zealand Hair Sedge) is native to New Zealand.
Author's NotesThe two-toned leaves and twisted tips make this a nice plant to put in a pot. I grew this plant from seeds. I live in zone #5 and one year, it over winter for me, but only one.
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