Family: Amarylidaceae
Scientific Name: Lycoris squamigera
Common Name: Naked Lady, Resurrection Lily, Surprise Lily
Description | Flowers appear on naked stalks in the late summer from dormant bulbs. |
Plant Type | All Plants, Bulbs, corms, tubers, rhizoms, etc. |
Hardiness Zone | 5-8 |
Sunlight | sun, part sun |
Moisture | average |
Soil & Site | average, well drained |
Flowers | pink, outward facing flowers on 24 inch naked scapes |
Leaves | after flowering the basal gray-green strap like leaves will appear to carry on photosynthesis and replenish the energy reserves in the bulb |
Stems | bulbs |
Roots | fiborous |
Dimensions | 24 inches tall |
Maintenance | plant in spring, resents being disturbed |
Propagation | bulbs |
Native Site | Origin Japan |
Misc Facts | American heirloom bulb from 1882. |
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