Family: Scrophulariaceae

Scientific Name: Digitalis purpurea alba

Common Name: White Foxglove

DescriptionA white flowering variety of the common Foxglove.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Biennials
Hardiness Zone4-9
Sunlightpartial sun
Moistureprefers moist
Soil & Siteaverage
FlowersFlowers: white, 2-3 inches, pendulous, found around the stalk, blooms end of May through early to mid June
Leavesbasal rosette
Dimensions4-5 feet tall, vertical plant
MaintenanceThis foxglove is biennial and will need to be replaced each year or allow the mother plants to produce seeds and self sow. Plants will become scraggly by late summer.
Misc FactsAn old-fashioned flowers of the English Cottage Gardens. White Foxglove was grown in Williamsburg's' by John Custis in 1735. Also listed by Bernard McMahon in both pink and white forms in his 1804 broadsheet.
Notes & ReferenceReference: #4-Herbaceous Perennial Plants, #40-Manual of Herbaceous ornamental Plants, The Jefferson Monticello web site)
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