Family: Boraginaceae

Common Name: Pulmonaria Raspberry Splash

DescriptionA Pulmonaria with silver marked foliage and raspberry-coral flowers.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone4-9
Sunlightpartial sun
Moisturemoist, quickly wilts in dry conditions
Soil & Sitewell drained, moist
Flowersraspberry-coral trumpet shaped flowers
Leavessilver-marked, sharply pointed and upright
Dimensions12 inches tall by 24 inch spread
Maintenancethey will reseed jumping around the garden, seedlings probably will not be true to form
Cultivar OriginTerra Nova Nursery, USA
Misc FactsCommon name of lungwort is in reference to the supposed resemblance of the blotched/spotted leaves to a diseased lung.
Author's NotesThe secrete to growing Pulmonary is partial shade and moist soils. In full sun or dry soils the foliage deteriorates quickly as the summer progresses.
Notes & Reference#116-Pulmonarias and The Borage Family (Masha Bennit) , #144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (
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