Family: Boraginaceae
Scientific Name: Pulmonaria rubra David Ward
Common Name: Pulmonaria David Ward
Description | A variegated Pulmonaria with pink-red flowers. |
Pronunciation | (pul-muh-NAIR-ee-uh)(rue-BRAH) |
Plant Type | All Plants, Perennials Hardy |
Hardiness Zone | 4-7 |
Sunlight | shade to partial shade |
Moisture | moist, average, resents dry |
Soil & Site | moist, average, resents dry |
Flowers | pink to red, funnel shaped, borne in terminal clusters (drooping cymes) |
Leaves | lance shaped leaves, a white variegated edge, will scorch in the full sun |
Dimensions | 12-18 inches |
Maintenance | they will reseed jumping around the garden |
Propagation | division |
Cultivar Origin | Originated at Beth Chatto's nursery in England. |
Misc Facts | Pulmonary is derived from pulmno or lung. |
Author's Notes | The secrete to growing Pulmonary is partial shade and moist soils. In full sun or dry soils the foliage deteriorates quickly as the summer progresses. |
Notes & Reference | #04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage), #116-Pulmonarias and The Borage Family (Masha Bennit) |
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