Description | Prickly Thrift (Acantholimon araxanum) is a low growing plant good for rock gardens. |
Pronunciation | (ak-anth-oh-LY-mon) |
Plant Type | All Plants, Perennials Hardy |
Hardiness Zone | 5 |
Sunlight | sun |
Moisture | average to dry |
Soil & Site | well drained |
Flowers | persistent white calyx, 9-15 small pink flowers per scape, dry in place turning into a papery white color. |
Leaves | short, silvery spiny |
Dimensions | 6 inches tall by a spread of over 12 inches, forms a cushion |
Propagation | seeds, half ripe cuttings in the summer |
Native Site | Native to Irag, Turkey, Iran and Syria. |
Misc Facts | syn. Acantholimon assyriacum),Armeriastrum acerosum ,Armeriastrum listoniae ,Acantholimon pinardii ,Acantholimon acerosum var. persicum ,Acantholimon assyriacum var. micacme (#186) |
Notes & Reference | #186-Daves Garden ( |