A widely available cultivar will change its foliage leaf patterns and shapes according to the growing environment.
Plant Type
All Plants, Indoor Foliage
Hardiness Zone
prefers moderate to bright but will tolerate low
evenly moist, average house humidity
Growing Media
average house
rarely flowers in cultivation
brown-black berries
young leaves are green with white veins, mature leaves becomes about 80% white with a green border
In its native home this plant is a climbing vine. As the vines get longer the distance between the nodes seems to increase
Syngoniums need to be pruned on a regular basis to keep them in shape. If they get to shaggy cut back the plant. I have cut them back to 2-4" stubs and they will re-branch regrowing at a moderate rate. Usually grown in a pot with a trellis or some other supporting structure. Also can be used in a hanging basket.
tip cuttings or one leaf and a section on each side of the stem will root
Misc Facts
syn Nephthytis
Author's Notes
This was one of my favorite Syngoniums. Especially when grown in the proper light. The leaves will almost turn totally white. Occasionally we would get a reddish purple center and branching veins. Seemed to be more compact than other varieties.