Family: Brassicaceae
Scientific Name: Aethionema cordifoilia
Common Name: Lebanon Stonecress
Description | A small plant for the alpine or rock garden. |
Pronunciation | (ieth-ee-o-NEE-a) (ko-rid-FOL-ee-um) |
Plant Type | All Plants, Perennials Hardy |
Hardiness Zone | 5-9 |
Sunlight | full |
Moisture | average, draught tolerant |
Soil & Site | well drained, gritty |
Flowers | light pink racemes |
Leaves | linear to narrowly oblong, blue-grey, prostate |
Stems | stems unbranched, sub shrub |
Roots | fiborous |
Dimensions | 6 inches tall to 12 inches wide |
Propagation | seeds need a 6 week period of cold to germinate |
Native Site | Lebanon |
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