Family: Cyperaceae

Scientific Name: Carex elata Bowles Golden

Common Name: Bowles Golden Sedge

DescriptionIf grown properly can be bright spot in a semi-shaded garden area.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Grass Ornamental
Hardiness Zone5-9
SunlightNeeds some sun to bring out the golden color, but will burn if in full sun.
MoistureMust be kept moist to wet. In dry soil the plants are much smaller and the foliage drys out.
Soil & Sitemoist to wet
FlowersThe flowers are small, brown arching out of the foliage clump and are not of much ornamental value.
LeavesLeaves are bright yellow in the spring through early summer, fading in the summer and returning to the nice color in the fall. Forms a clump of of 1/8 to 1/2 inch wide leaves.
DimensionsIn good growing conditions 2 by 2 feet. Larger in the warmer end of the hardiness zone.
Maintenanceremoval of dead brown leaves
Misc Factssyn Carex acuta, Carex stricta
Author's NotesI saw this plant at a nursery and in the containers under optimum growing conditions the plants were stunning. I found this beautiful foliage hard to maintain in the garden.
Notes & Reference#92-The Encyclopedia of Ornamental Grass (John Greenlee), #222-The Encyclopedia of Grasses for Livable Landscapes (Rick Darke)
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