A good shrub for the moist areas of the yard. Has fragrant large white flower inflorescences.
Plant Type
All Plants, Shrubs Deciduous
Hardiness Zone
full to shaded
prefers moist but tolerates average
Soil & Site
prefers moist, rich acid soils but tolerant of average.
small(1/3 inch) white, borne on upright racemes or panicles, bottle brush-like appearance
simple, alternate, glossy, 1-2 inches long, dark green changing to yellow to golden yellow in the fall
30-40 inches tall spreading vigorously by rhizomes
Native Site
Species native to the eastern United States commonly founded in moist woodlands, especially near water.
Cultivar Origin
Introduced by Fred Galle. He planted some along Hummingbird Lake at the Callaway Gardens in Georgia, hence the name.
Author's Notes
I have seen this in many different Botanical Gardens and it definitely produces a plethora of white bottlebrush-like flowers above the foliage. They also probably get water on a regular bases.
Notes & Reference
#1-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr)