Family: Crassulaceae

Scientific Name: Hylotelephium spectabile Neon

Common Name: Sedum Neon


Sedum Neon (Hylotelephium spectabile) Name refers to the neon-colored pink flowers. An improvement over Sedum Brilliant.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone3-9
Moistureaverage to dry
Soil & Siteaverage to dry, well drained
Flowersbright neon pink (also described as bubble gum pink) colored flowers in September
Dimensions15-18 by 15-18 inches (HS), upright
Propagationeasy by division, cuttings
Cultivar OriginOriginated as a sport of a seedling in a block of Sedum Brilliant at the Payne Ivy Farm. Discovered by Richard Davis and Meriweather Payne.
Author's NotesThe main way to distinguish between S. telephinium and S. spectabile is; spectabile flowers have very long stamens, smaller, green not blue green leaves that are less dentate and the plants are shorter.
Notes & Reference#209-The Plant Lovers Guide to Sedums (Brent Horvath), #212-Plant Delights Nursery (
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