Description | Vetch Spirea (Spiraea veitchii) is a strong growing, arching shrub with white flowers reaching over 8 feet high. |
Pronunciation | (spy-REE-ah) |
Plant Type | Shrubs Deciduous |
Hardiness Zone | 5 |
Sunlight | sun, tolerates some shade |
Moisture | average |
Soil & Site | average |
Flowers | white, in dense clusters (corymbs) starting in early June |
Dimensions | 7-9 feet |
Propagation | softwood cuttings |
Native Site | central and western China |
Cultivar Origin | 1900 |
Misc Facts | syn Spiraea atemnophylla |
Notes & Reference | #03-Hillier Manual of Trees and Shrubs, #226-Shrubs and Vines for American Gardens (Donald Wyman) |