A small to medium tree with white flowers in the early spring.
Plant Type
All Plants, Trees Deciduous
Hardiness Zone
sun to shade
average to moist, not tolerant of draught
Soil & Site
prefers rich, organic, well drained, ph 5-6, tolerant of other soils
The flowers are: pink, bell shaped, 2-5 flowers per cluster, downward pointing. flowering starts end of April to early May. Fruit is a 4-winged drupe. Flowering occurs along last years branches on the previous season's wood
simple, alternate serrated leaves, green changing to yellow in the fall
reaches 20-40 feet tall with a spread of 15-30 feet.
soft wood cuttings
Misc Facts
The genus "Halesia" is named after Stephen Hales, an 18th century English scientist.
Notes & Reference
The Mountain Silver Bells and the Pink Mountain Silver Bells that I have observed over the last 3-4 years are all growing in sites where they get some direct sunlight and are in dabbled to full shade for most of the day. Not a good plant for difficult sites.