Description | Mexican Feather Grass (Stipa tenuissima) A graceful plume shaped plant producing masses of Pony Tail like plumes. A tender perennial grass. |
Pronunciation | (STYE-pah) |
Plant Type | Grass Ornamental, Perennial Tender |
Hardiness Zone | 7-10 |
Sunlight | full |
Moisture | average, best plume development is evenly moist, draught tolerant once established |
Soil & Site | average to poor and sandy |
Leaves | bright green grass-like foliage, tufted form |
Dimensions | upright mounding grass reaching 1.5 to 3 feet in height depending on the growing conditions. |
Propagation | division, seeds |
Native Site | western Mediterrarium |
Misc Facts | (syn Nassella tenussima) |
Notes & Reference | #222-The Encyclopedia of Grasses for Livable Landscapes (Rick Darke) |