Family: Osmundaceae

Scientific Name: Osmunda regalis

Common Name: Royal Fern, Flowering Fern

DescriptionA large fern for the wet areas of the garden.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Ferns - Hardy
Hardiness Zone(3)4-10
Sunlightfull to part sun
Moisturemoist, wet
Soil & Sitemoist, wet, bogs swamps.
FlowersFerns do not produce flowers. They were around prior to the evolution of the flowering plants (angiosperms). The fertile pinnae compromise the upper quarter of the frond.
Leaveswith age will form a tussock-like base, frond is bipinnate and the segments are oblong spaced apart on the pinna rachis
Stemsrootstock is semi-erect, covered with dark brown old withered stems
Dimensionsover 4-5 feet tall
Propagationspores, division
Native SiteFound growing on every continent except Australia.
Notes & Reference#80-A Field Guide to Ferns (Boughton Cobb) , #90-Ferns for American Gardens (John T Mickel)
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